A rare issue of the Seleukid usurper Timarchos with a fine portrait
Los 1125
SELEUKID KINGS OF SYRIA. Timarchos, usurper, 164-161 BC. Oktachalkon (Bronze, 37 mm, 33.14 g, 9 h), Ekbatana. Diademed head of Timarchos to right. Rev. ΒAΣΙ[ΛΕΩΣ / MEΓAΛO]Y - TIMAPXOY Nike standing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm frond over her left shoulder. SC 1598. Rare and with an unusually attractive portrait. Traces of corrosion and adjustment marks on the reverse as made, otherwise, good fine.

From the collection of Walter Weise, Künker 347, 22 March 2021, 805 (with collector's ticket) and ex Peus 332, 23-28 October 1991, 257.

Timarchos was a retainer of Antiochos IV who was first employed as ambassador to Rome and later became satrap of one of the eastern satrapies, most likely Media. When Demetrios I overthrew Antiochos V, Timarchos rebelled, quickly securing recognition from the Roman Senate and claiming the title of 'Great King' on his coins. The latter was an innovation - no previous Seleukid ruler had employed this title on their coins - and it probably served to link Timarchos to the Greco-Bactrian king, Eukratides I. The latter claimed the title of 'Great King' after his successful campaigns in India, and some of Timarchos' tetradrachms directly copy those of Eukratides, showing him wearing a Macedonian helmet on the obverse and the Dioskouroi on horseback on the reverse. All this indicates friendly relations between the two men, most likely in the face of common foes, such as the Parthians. Demetrios I, on the other hand, was building up his forces in Antioch and in early 161, he marched out against Timarchos, defeating and killing the rebellious governor in battle near Babylon.
200 CHF
650 CHF
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